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Find early literacy tips and children's books on the Children's Blog. Discover your next great read on the Books Movies Music Blog. Dig into Nashville history with the Community History Blog. Listen to stories, history, and culture on NPL Podcasts. Please see this Note for Readers.

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Did you know that there is a type of large wooden hammer called a beetle? That may help this Cinderella-like story make a little more sense!

Pride month is upon us! Discussing LGBTQIA+ issues with kids can be a challenge, especially if you don't identify as a part of this community. Here are some tips for starting a conversation around gender identity and sexual preference! It is never too early to open a child's heart and mind, and doing so can foster empathy and compassion, for themselves and for others.

Just Listen Podcast

Through her different genres of work including children's stories, poems, and short stories, Mary Wilkins Freeman sought to demonstrate her values as a feminist.

Win at Spades: Basic and Intermediate Techniques

Learning how to play Spades is easy. But being good at it is an entirely different thing. In Win at Spades, Basic and Intermediate Techniques, you will learn terminology, how to bid, defend, and, most importantly, how to win.

truth b told

If you knew that we're sometimes scared, petty, lonely and resentful, would you still call us "friend" or still love us? We challenge ourselves to drop the masks of perfection and cultivate relationships with people who are honest enough to share their realness while we gulp, inhale and share ours. So, what's stopping us from being vulnerable?

Sometimes your just want to read a snappy story that makes you learn. These are those stories.

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A young king is returning home after his father’s death, accompanied by his wife and their infant son. While everyone on the ship is napping, a witch transfigures the queen and takes her place, sending the queen off in a stone boat. Will the king discover the witch’s deception? Is there any hope of returning the queen to her rightful position? Listen and find out!