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During this episode we talk to Stunt Performer Loren Janes, whose credits including acting as Steve McQueen's stunt double throughout his entire career.

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A precursor to Frosty, this Slavic story is short and sweet.

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During this episode we talk to Actress and Producer Catherine Wyler, who speaks to us about the legendary filmmaking career of her late father William Wyler. Mr. Wyler directed such films as Ben Hur, The Best Years of Our Lives, and The Desperate Hours.

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Princes, ogres, and adventure — with just a touch of Rumpelstiltzkin!

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After a king’s new queen changes her six stepsons into swans, their sister must endure arduous trials to restore them to their human forms. But when her own life is at risk due to the workings of her evil mother-in-law, will she be able to complete her quest?

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During this episode we talk to Producer Jon Davison. Mr. Davison’s producing credits include Starship Troopers, Robocop, Piranha, and Airplane!. Ed. note: due to a technical glitch with Bill’s mic he is a little quiet, but we thought the interview was too cool not to share!

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In this classic tale from the Arabian Nights, a poor woodcutter discovers the hidden treasures of a band of robbers, survives great danger, and brings riches to his whole family — with some help from a clever servant.

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During this episode we talk to Filmmaker Larry Cohen.  Mr. Cohen’s directing credits include Hell Up in Harlem, Wicked Stepmother, and It’s Alive.