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Find early literacy tips and children's books on the Children's Blog. Discover your next great read on the Books Movies Music Blog. Dig into Nashville history with the Community History Blog. Listen to stories, history, and culture on NPL Podcasts. Please see this Note for Readers.

First, I should say that I know this book isn’t new. It came out in 1987 when I was a delicate three-year-old child, who had not quite gotten to chapter books just yet. Misery is a psychological thriller about an author of famous Victorian-era romances who is rescued from a car crash by his number one fan, Annie Wilkes. The only problem? Annie Wilkes is completely off her rocker.

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During this episode we talk to film editor, Frank J. Urioste. Mr. Urioste’s editing credits include Robocop, Die Hard, Total Recall, The Hitcher, and the upcoming Movies @ Main feature, The Spikes Gang. Urisote discusses editing these thrilling movies and much more about his career.

53 years ago, the government that Nashville now knows well as the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County was implemented, consolidating 2 separately-operating governments into one. Learn a little more about that consolidation process and how it has defined us as a city today.

With Children's Day, also known as El Día de los Niños, just around the corner (April 30th to be exact), I wanted to share with you a new book from local author Shindana Feagins and local photographer Syreeta Blakely that highlights the beautiful diversity of Nashvillians. It is called We Have Such in Common, and you can get it from the library!

Happy Poetry Month! If you're not a big poetry fan, you need to check out Mary Oliver's new book because she'll convert you.

This week is National Library Week, and the American Library Association has selected "Libraries Transform" as its theme. While the Nashville Public Library has received widespread recognition in recent years, we have a long history of innovation and outreach to our community.