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Find early literacy tips and children's books on the Children's Blog. Discover your next great read on the Books Movies Music Blog. Dig into Nashville history with the Community History Blog. Listen to stories, history, and culture on NPL Podcasts. Please see this Note for Readers.

summer reading-adult

Nashville Public Library's Summer Reading Challenge (SRC) isn't just for kids. Learn how SRC can help promote better reading habits, lifelong literacy, and continuous cognitive development at any age. The Nashville Public Library offers an inclusive and engaging summer reading challenge designed for adults. With a rich history and clear goals, the program invites participants of all backgrounds to join.

Family Folktales logo

A witch agrees to allow a man to pick all the rampion from her garden that his pregnant wife wants – in exchange for the baby about to be born. How well can the witch control the girl once a handsome prince comes along?

your mind matters

In this episode, Bassam and Lana talk with Lydia Yousief about immigrant and minority status, and how underrepresentation, segregation, and discrimination can affect the mental wellbeing of New Americans.

Lydia Yousief is the founder and director of Elmahaba Center since June 2019. After graduating with her master’s from the Center of Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Chicago, Lydia returned to her hometown, Nashville, to support Arabic-speaking families in their pursuits of economic stability and cultural revival. By training, she’s an ethnographer and storyteller.

Family Folktales logo

A miller agrees to a bargain with a nixy, promising her the youngest thing in his house in exchange for great riches. When he returns home and discovers his wife has just given birth to a son, will there be a way to save his child?

All Things Eerie logo

Welcome back to All Things Eerie.  Of all the ghost stories that haunt me presently - and there are many - none are so terrifying to me as those in which the ghost appears in broad daylight, shunning the shadows of dark corridors and the blowing curtains of dimly-lit rooms.  This evening’s story begins with this premise and launches us into an adventure.

Family Folktales logo

Following the death of his father, a beloved prince begins paying attention to the bad influences surrounding him. After he is transformed by a fairy into a ferocious beast, will he ever regain his human form and be able to take his rightful place on the throne?

your mind matters

In this episode, Bassam and Lana invite Jennifer Wang to discuss the art of communicating well, the challenges of interpersonal relationships, and how mindfulness can aid in healthy mental practice.

Jennifer grew up in Los Angeles (Tongva land) alongside her twin sister, younger sister, mother and father, who moved to the US as teenagers from Taiwan and Hong Kong, respectively. 
Jennifer has been a regular practitioner of mindfulness and meditation for over 15 years in the Theravada Insight, Shambhala, and Plum Village traditions. She has sat multiple residential and silent retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society, Deer Park Monastery, Magnolia Grove Monastery, Southern Dharma, and other beautiful retreat centers close to nature. She has also completed multiple instructor certification courses, including in the Shambhala and Insight traditions and at Vanderbilt University.
Jennifer is the co-founder of the Nashville POC Sangha, a facilitator at One Dharma and Wild Heart meditation centers, serves on the boards of the Maddox Fund, Tennessee Environmental Council, and Turnip Green Creative Reuse Center.
Jennifer’s professional journey has brought together her backgrounds in business and social change to the climate change space, focusing on financial innovation for the global clean energy accelerator New Energy Nexus.

Children reading books that partially obscure their faces.

Writing books for adults and writing books for children are two very different things.  Yet some writers for adults have also written for kids! Learn about picture book titles written by some of the titans of literature.