But, Miss Cassie, how do you know I’m doing a great job? Because you are helping your child get ready to read by using the library.
You’re getting your child a library card.
Getting a library card is a rite of passage. I remember how important I felt when I got my library card. Did you know your child can have a library card from birth? We even have My First Library Cards available!
You’re checking books out to read to your child.
Nothing is more satisfying to the Children’s staff than hearing the pitter patter of little excited feet as they enter the Children’s Area and exclaim with delight when a child finds the best book ever. Need some direction on what your child might like to read? Check out our suggested reading lists! We have them for infants all the way to grade 12.
You’re bringing your child to story time.
You might have discovered us when your child was teeny tiny, and you brought him or her to their first baby story time. Or, you may have just learned all about the wonderful free programming the library offers for your preschooler. We love when you visit us! If you haven’t joined us for story time, check out all the places and times!
And, in case you don’t have a little one yet but he or she is on the way, we have programs for you too! There are childbirth and new parent education classes, as well as Stork Story Times, which will teach you how to be the best teacher for your child.
When you use the library, you really can’t go wrong helping your child become successful, not only in reading but in life. And, the best thing is – it’s FREE!
So, dear parents, I hope you enjoy this journey – no matter where you are on it – because you are your child’s best teacher, and you are doing a fantastic job!
* The term "parents" includes not only mothers and fathers, but any and all children's caregivers and caretakers.