Try a New Genre
Jeremy is reading: X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor
Ed Piskor rose to prominence with Hip Hop Family Tree, an exhaustive study of the history of hip hop in comic book form. Next, Piskor set his sights on Marvel’s X-Men, and the results are fantastic. In X-Men: Grand Design, he takes a streamlined approach to nearly 30 years of X-Men continuity, creating a treat for longtime fans and an easily accessible primer for newbies.
Jeremy has worked for Nashville Public Library since 2008. He loves comic books and dislikes the term “graphic novels.”
Jeremy hosts Panel Discussion, a comics book club for adults, first Wednesdays every month at the Main Library, from 12 noon - 1 PM. Bring your lunch and join the conversation. Get details.
Why Choose Only One Story?
Paul is reading: The Best American Short Stories of the Century, by John Updike, ed.
This is an ambitious read for the summer, but one you’ll never forget. The stories are arranged chronologically through the 20th century, and the reading experience is one of watching history unfurl before your eyes. What I loved most about these was finishing a story–night after night–and saying out loud, “Oh, my God…”.
Paul Smethers, a former high school English teacher, is an Associate with the Popular Materials team at the Main Library.
Paul hosts the monthly poetry appreciation group Word Art, and teaches a six-week poetry writing course in the spring called Wolf Tickets and Pickled Peppers.
Thanks for reading!
We hope you had a wonderful summer, and that your reading selections from NPL helped enhance it.