Now is the perfect time to introduce reading aloud to your family since most of us have found ourselves with time on our hands due to the coronavirus and recommendations that we all stay home. Yes the library is closed but we still have downloadable ebooks and audiobooks available for checkout through our website. All you need is your library card and pin number and a device like a phone, laptop, iPad, Kindle, etc. to read on.
- Each list can be used for the minimum age recommended PLUS older kids. The list for Preschool and Older will have titles that might be fun for your 4th grader so please don't disregard any of the lists.
- Some books might be ok for children younger than recommended. I just don't want to be responsible for traumatizing a child when Charlotte dies at the end of Charlotte's Web. Some preschoolers handle her death just fine and some cry for days. As always, you know your child best so I leave that decision up to you.
Recommended Titles for Preschool and Older
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Recommended Titles for 2nd Grade and Older
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Recommended Titles for 4th Grade and Older
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Happy Reading!