Every year, millions start the New Year determined to become their best selves in the next twelve months, bolstering their efforts with shiny New Year’s resolutions. If you’re anything like most resolution-makers (including me!), good intentions only carry us so far, and, by February, those lofty New Year's goals begin looking more and more out of reach. Even though I haven’t yet become fluent in another language (2018’s resolution) or kept a plant alive for more than a month (my 2021 resolution), hope springs eternal that maybe next year will be the year that I make a resolution and stick to it…
In the meantime, I take comfort in the fact that I’m not alone and that there are loads of books written for those among us whose New Year’s ambitions outpace our actual follow-through. Check out these NPL reads on more-relaxed approaches to popular New Year’s resolutions.