Because who could resist books about such adorable creatures?!
If you're wanting to work on learning colors with your child, check out Penguins Love Colors. These six black and white creatures decide to paint a picture for their mother, and boy do they make it beautiful! [[nid:6031]]
If you're wanting to learn the ABC's with your child, Penguins Love Their ABC's is an excellent choice to read! Mama penguin hides all of the letters of the alphabet, and all six of the baby penguins have to find the letters to make their soup! [[nid:6032]]
If you're wanting to escape on vacation for a little while, Salina Yoon's Penguin on Vacation is perfect for you! Penguin decides that he is real tired of all the cold and goes on a vacation to cheer him up. Yoon's entire collection of Penguin books are always a win in my book. [[nid:6037]]
If you're looking for a wordless picture book, check out Where's Walrus? : and Penguin? by Stephen Savage. Walrus and Penguin escape from the zoo and somehow manage to stay one step in front of the zookeeper trying to find them. They create funny disguises to hide in their surroundings each time. This is a guaranteed laugh for you and your child. [[nid:6049]]
Another fun and popular wordless picture book to enjoy is Flora and the Penguin by Molly Idle. Flora and Penguin form an unexpected friendship when they meet while ice skating. They skate beautifully together, and after they fall apart due to Flora's brush-off of Penguin, they come back together to form a wonderful friendship. This book can help littles begin to learn the concepts of respect and kindness, all while telling an adorable story. [[nid:6034]]
If you're interested in teaching your little one about manners, Perfectly Polite Penguins, Not! by Georgiana Deutsch is a wonderful example to read. Polly the penguin decides she's tired of being a perfectly polite penguin. She just wants to make a mess and do whatever she wants-until everyone else starts abandoning their manners too. Will Polly be able to get all the other penguins to bring back their perfectly polite manners?[[nid:6038]]
And, if you're just wanting more laughs, then check out 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental. When a package containing penguins arrives on their doorstep, and then another penguin the next day, and another the day after that, this family's problems quickly become bigger and bigger. This funny book comes with the perfect opportunity to work on counting with your child! [[nid:6035]]
Books (even picture books!) can teach us so many things and take us on so many adventures. Which one will you choose?