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Summer Boredom Busters: Activity Books

June 23, 2017

Are your kids driving you nuts with "I'm bored!"? Check out the library for awesome books to keep them entertained all summer long!

Don't worry. You aren't the only person who enters the library with a harried look in your eyes and ask desperately what programs we're having today. While we have programs every day at branches around the city there are some times that you have to be home. Keep your kids entertained with these puzzle and game books. Just don't be suprised when they ask you to play, too!


This list contains a variety of seek and find puzzles books from classics like I Spy and Where's Waldo? to the alphabet adventure of Animalia as well as other indoor and outdoor games.  



This list contains a variety of books with activities in science, art, crafts, and nature activities.

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Miss Terri has worked at three different branches of Nashville Public Library since 2002. She's currently the head of the Children's Department at the Green Hills Branch Library. When she isn’t working, she is usually hanging out with her dog Boo. Isn’t he cute?