October Highlights:
Released October 1st:
Released October 8th:
November Highlights:
Releasing November 5th:
Sofia Valdez, Future Prez is a new addition to Andrea Beaty's very popular picture book series that includes Rosie Revere, Engineer; Iggy Peck, Architect; and Ada Twist, Scientist.
December Highlights:
Releasing December 3rd:
Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #9: Major Impossible about John Wesley Powell, a one-armed geologist who explored the Grand Canyon in 1869. As with all of Hale's Hazardous Tales, things don't go smoothly for Powell!
Releasing December 10th:
Dog Man #8: Fetch-22 by Dav Pilkey. Enough said.
Here are other titles being released in October, November and December of 2019 that you might want to check out:
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Happy Reading!