Updated 9/25/2020.
Hello again, readers! This year's been a real doozy so far, right? Especially for Nashville.
My heart goes out to everyone impacted by the tornado that hit Nashville on March 3rd, and of course to anyone that's presently dealing with COVID-19, whether that be via illness or because people are finding themselves without jobs now. We are definitely in trying times, but one thing I wake up and know for a fact every morning is that we as Americans and Nashvillians will prevail...because it's just in our nature. We got this, guys!
Now, I'll step off my soapbox and present the photographs. So quick explanation and story...
I had planned to write a blog post this month for anyone that received damage from the tornado, to provide some tips about how to preserve precious documents and photographs, but here's something a little different first to offer up a distraction and hopefully a few photos that'll bring smiles to people's faces. Stay tuned for that blog post next though.
But here's the quick story - so if I haven't said this before, Metro Archives has THOUSANDS of photos - many of them scanned and identified, many not. But since I started working here about 4 years ago, I've started a "background photos" folder on our internal photo drive, where I save some of my favorite photos from our collections. I come across them when people request certain photos or just by happenstance, but either way - when I do - I put them in this special folder. They run as a screensaver on the back of my desktop regularly. Some even often provoke comments from my boss, which cracks me up.
They range from just various images around Nashville and the state, to random people - either famous or doing something strange. But as we're all probably tired of hearing bad news these days, here's something that hopefully puts a smile on all of your faces. Enjoy!