I feel like this could be the title of my biography. Too bad somebody beat me to it. (Dang it!) Introvert Jessica Pan decides to challenge herself for a year to do more extroverted things. She starts by talking to random people on the street (in London). My introverted self thinks that is what hell is like. However, her other goals – like taking an improv class and doing stand-up comedy – sound super fun. With the whole pandemic thing still an issue, un-introverting yourself might be challenging right now, but if you feel the need to talk to actual people, a) please explain to me why and b) maybe this book will offer you some ideas on how to do it.
Ok, friends. I hope your 2021 is off to a great start and that these suggestions will help make it even better. If nothing else, we’ve got a vaccine on the way and the Olympics are coming in seven months!
Happy Resoluting…
:) Amanda