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New Years Resolutions?

January 14, 2021

We made it! Whew. I know that the pandemic won’t just magically disappear because the calendar cranks over to a new page, but I am not sorry to see 2020 in my rearview mirror. The new year brings all sorts of new opportunities. If you have not set your New Year’s Resolutions yet, maybe these books will give you some ideas.

Fix Your Mind

Where my perfectionists at? (Yes, I realize that this is imperfect grammar, but play through the pain.) I have been a perfectionist my whole life. I can’t even say I’m a recovering perfectionist because this is still a battle I fight almost everyday. That’s why this book was so, ahem, perfect for me. Instead of letting perfection rule the day, it taught me to just be present and experience life in all of its glorious imperfections. If you struggle with trying to be perfect all the time, check this one out and relax a little.
Fix Your House

I love Clea and Joanna. I first saw them on their Netflix series, Get Organized with The Home Edit. Not only will they come to your house and organize it for you, they will do it in RAINBOW ORDER! Love it! (I would add glitter, but they seem to hate that for some reason. Sigh.) They are also really funny, and I enjoy their sense of humor. The Home Edit (or THE as they like to call themselves) is a local company, based here in Nashville. My only complaint is that while I love looking at all the photos of the rooms they’ve organized, I keep finding myself thinking “I could so get more stuff in there” – which might be my problem. There are rumors of a second season on Netflix, but if you can’t wait, you can check out their second book, The Home Edit Life. Bring on the rainbows!

Fix Your Diet

Have you been more anxious this year? I know I have, but it might not just be the dumpster fire that was 2020. It could be what you are eating. This book was fascinating in that it discussed how your brain responds to what you put in your body. If you suffer from OCD or PTSD, you still need to get help from a reputable physician, but you can also adjust your diet to help feel better and even out those troublesome thoughts. Lots of food for thought in this one. (See what I did there?)

Be Brave

I feel like this could be the title of my biography. Too bad somebody beat me to it. (Dang it!) Introvert Jessica Pan decides to challenge herself for a year to do more extroverted things. She starts by talking to random people on the street (in London). My introverted self thinks that is what hell is like. However, her other goals – like taking an improv class and doing stand-up comedy – sound super fun. With the whole pandemic thing still an issue, un-introverting yourself might be challenging right now, but if you feel the need to talk to actual people, a) please explain to me why and b) maybe this book will offer you some ideas on how to do it. 

Ok, friends. I hope your 2021 is off to a great start and that these suggestions will help make it even better. If nothing else, we’ve got a vaccine on the way and the Olympics are coming in seven months!

Happy Resoluting…
:) Amanda

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Amanda is a classically-trained pianist who loves to read. Like any good librarian, she also has two cats named after Italian cities. Amanda spends her free time sitting in Nashville traffic, baking, and running the Interlibrary Loan office at the Nashville Public Library.