Now I know I'm not the only one that is tired of paying for subscription after subscription. Everything is a streaming service these days, which is a good thing in one way because everything is convenient. However, who can afford to pay for all these services at once?
One thing that I think gets looked over a lot here at our library is the free access to music! With your library card, you have access to physical CDs as well as streaming services on Hoopla and BoomBox. That's right: free music right at your fingertips.
There is a lot to comb through from country music to some of your favorite soundtracks, but I've been going down a nostalgic road lately. With Fall Out Boy coming to Nashville at the end of this month, I've donned my thick eyeliner I first tried in middle school and have returned to some of the albums that got me through my teenage years. Luckily, the library has many of them ready for me to check out.