So working at library offers me the opportunity to read A LOT of books each year. These are the ones that I liked the most. They might not be the most normal categories, but these books are awesome and you should read them.
1. Best Book I Read All Year: Most folks save their best for last, but this one is so good, I wanted to mention it first. This book is a slow-reveal that makes you fall in love with Eleanor while keeping you guessing. I wish I could read it all over again for the first time. (Fiction)[[nid:3294]]
2. Best Book by an Astronaut Who's Also on TV: Admittedly this might be a pretty narrow category to have a lot of contenders, but I liked this book enough to mention it again. So watch The Big Bang Theory, read this one, and get your science geek on. (Nonfiction)[[nid:3295]]
3. Best Cookbooks (tie): Ok, I get that these two might not be political allies, but basiscally I just wanted to learn how to make challah, babka, and apfelkuchen. So far, everything I've tried has come out uber yummy. Mazel tov! [[nid:3296]] [[nid:3297]]
4. Best Book about a Guy Who Likes to Kill Things: Not usually my genre of choice, but I must admit I love me some Deadpool. I'm not a fan of the Mercs for Money run, but I'm totally shipping Shiklah and DP. I loved this one and can't wait for the movie. (Here is the best trailer you've ever seen.) (Graphic Novel) [[nid:3299]]
5. Best Thing that Wasn't a Book: It's soap-opera-y, features lots of good music, and I want to be like Cookie (without the whole going to jail for 17 years thing). I love this show and binged all of Season 3 from the library in 3 days. If you aren't watching this, you should be. (DVD) [[nid:3300]]
6. Best Other Fiction Book That I Wanted to Mention: By and large, I love Joshilyn Jackson and this one was no exception. Add in a main character comic book artist and a mega-twist at the end that I totally missed and you have the recipe for a really enjoyable read. (Fiction...duh) [[nid:3301]]
7. Best Book that I Read by Accident: I don't remember how I found this one, but as soon as I saw it I was intrigued. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. Who knew that Rubik's Cube would be so captivating? (nonfiction) [[nid:3302]]
So that's my list. Looking back, these were a lot of fun to read over the year. Here's hoping 2018 is as good!
Happy reading in the New Year...
:) Amanda